So our first assignment of my digital experience was to introduce to my life the process of "STOP ANIMATION". This proved an exciting process; taking lots of photos and make and ellution of the object you've chosen, move across the screen. Very cool. In total i think i took about 200 shoots, which will eventually make a 10 to 12 second stop animation.
The theme for our (and when i say 'our', i mean Myself and my friend Clair's) stop animation, we based it on the journey of a bear. The bear, we decided was goes to work it's way across the table to the laptop and navigate the desktop to view the internet. well that didn't quite work as the internet was not avaliable to us, we did it anyway.
All in all a great experience and i look forward to learning more about stop animation and the types of programs used to create the animations thenmselves.